
Hello my queens!

Here are some photos about nails I like. Today I am at the trip in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. If you want me to write travel diary or something about my trip let me know in the comments below👇


P.S. If you want to see how I do my nails step by step write a comment with hastag #queennails

How I edit my photos

Hello my queens!

I discovered this really cool app in Googleplay store ( for Android, but I think there is that app for Apple too )

It is called Snapseed.

Basiclly what you do is that you can edit your photos in million different ways. Here are some examples, before and after of my photos:

This is not sponsored theme, I just wanted to share with you something that I like!

Feel free to ask me anything you want to know!

Struggles all teens have

Helloo my queens!

We all know beeing a teen is hard. Really hard. And sometimes we think that no one can undestand us. Here are some teen struggles where every one of you will find yourself. Promise!

1.  Makeup struggles

All of you are probably wearing makeup often. Sometimes you forget about it and just rub your eyes and BOMM..oooo you know that feeling right, walking around looking like a panda and than you remeber ” OMG I AM HAVING MAKEUP ”

yeah girl, yeah..

2. Social media struggles

Some of you are having a looot social media apps. And with lot I mean really really lot. There are facebook, instagram, snapchat, twitter, youtube, gmail, pinterest etc.

The worst thing about that is you need to remember all the paswords. I am peson who is NEVER loging out of ANYTHING because I know I will forget my password. Anyone like me?

3. School struggles

School. I know everyone hate that word. I am good at school but I am weryyyy lazy person. Do you know that feling when you have absolutely nothing to do but you still don’t want to do your hommework? Yeah, me to.

4. Dressing struggles

Winter. Morning. Cold. You need to get out of the bed and dress up. I don’t need to tell anything more, we all know that feeling!

5. Everyones struggles

Know that feeling when you need to sing whole alphabet to find out which letter comes next? I hope so you know because I know really good.

– that Is all for today please send me a message or comment whitch theme you would want me to write about!

7 useful sentences

Heloo my queens! 

Today I will tell you some useful words about us, girl teens.

1. Do not spend more than 9$ on your mascara.

2. If he cheated on you say goodbye!

3. Don’t let one mistake define you.

4.Eat home-cooked meals, you will miss that some thay.

5. Learn to say “no” without explaining yourself.

6. Don’t be sad if you don’t have a boyfriend, he will come in the right time!

and last…

7. be BRAVE and CONFIDENT cause we are GIRLS 

“Loving yurself is the greatest revolution.”

First post!

Heloo my queens! 

I am so excited to start my first blog! I wanted this for sooo long time. First I want to tell that I am from Croatia and if I make some grammer mistakes please forgive me. I love doing nails, cooking and doing all sorts of diys and hacks. I also like to do my fitness routine and I am absolutely opssesed with planing and organizing.

I would be really happy if you write me what you would like me to wrote about on my twitter account ( @teenqueenprobs12 ) or here in the comments